Adding greenery to any room instantly livens up any space, adding colour and texture. Indoor plants are relatively easy to maintain, and add calming benefits as well!
Here are some tips to help keep your plants thriving for the long haul, no green thumb required!
Consider Your Light
Choose wisely when selecting plants for your space! Make sure you research plant care to see what will thrive best in your home. Some plants need more shade than others. One rule of thumb: The darker the plant or leaf, the more likely it will need more shade.
Bright light: south-facing room with lots of windows.
Suitable plants: Cacti and succulents, aloe vera, ponytail palm, jade.
Medium light: east or west-facing room.
Suitable plants: Fiddle leaf fig, birds of paradise, dracaena.
Low light: north facing room.
Suitable plants: Snake plant, pothos, ZZ plant.
Don’t Go Straight for the Floor
Keep your plants off the ground! Put them on a bench, a plant stand, or in a hanging planter mounted to the ceiling. You can also buy a draped hanging plant at the nursery, and re-pot it in a regular pot. Then you can place it on a stool or shelf. I love the look of the drape of a plant hanging down off a tall stool.
Choosing a Pot
Size matters! If your indoor plant is in a pot that is too small, it will dry out more quickly and become root-bound without extra room to grow. If the pot is too big, it will require more soil and water than it needs, which can lead to root rot.
To find the pot that’s just right, choose one that is one size larger in diameter than the existing pot. For example, if the plant is in an 8-inch plastic container, upsize to a 10-inch pot. Place a saucer below the pot and empty it between waterings.
Make sure you choose a pot with a hole in bottom to allow excess water to drain out. If water collects at the bottom of the pot, it can cause root rot – a sure way to kill your plant. If you really want to use a pot that does not have a drainage hole, try putting rocks or pebbles at the bottom before the soil for the water to drain.
Common Plant Problems
If your plant is leaning towards a window or light source, it’s craving more sunshine. Place it closer to the window and spin it around to balance it out.
If its leaves are wilting, this is a sign that it’s thirsty. Give it some water, but not too much. Start with small amounts every other day or so and it should perk back up, though give it a few days to see a difference.
If your plants’ leaves are falling off, don’t worry! This is usually normal. Often, the oldest leaves are at the bottom and are too heavy, so they drop and make way for new ones. If many leaves are falling off at the same time, it might be a sign of overwatering or that it is too dry. Make sure the plant is not near the air conditioner, which can dry it out, or that the saucer isn’t full of water.